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Worship and Music

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture." -Psalm 100:1-3

Worship is a lifestyle of giving ourselves to God. Music is one of the many ways we do that, and we are mindful that each person has a very personal relationship with God. We seek to serve our congregation's various "worship voices" by offering distinct worship experiences in each of our services. We pray that in one or more you will find a place where you can experience the loving, healing, and encouraging presence of our loving God.


View more info on our service times and styles below. 


Our Services


10am Contemporary Service

10am Classic Service

Our contemporary service is led by our house praise band, "The Blessed." Each week the band might be different, but usually we have guitars, drums, keyboards, bass guitar and singers. We strive to provide an opportunity to experience God's deep love in a way that connects with everyday life. Our music often sounds similar to the music you'd hear on the radio, but the message is profoundly different. Our band seeks to lead in worship, not perform. So each week we invite you to be "in the band" by singing, clapping along, and stepping into worship with God. The band is led by Dan Blessinger.

Our classic service, held in our beautifully renovated Chapel, builds on traditions that have helped Christians to express their love for God for centuries and have been practiced at LCPC for over 130 years. It offers a contemplative, liturgical experience including the singing of great hymns of faith and the finest in both sacred choral and classical instrumental music. The one-hour service features our Cathedral Choir, led by Gary Woodward, along with an organ, piano and special music both old and new.












The sermon and Bible readings are the same at both our Contemporary and Classic services. A lively, Bible-based Sunday School is available during both worship services for children of all ages. Everyone’s invited to Fellowship Time (a.k.a. the Party in the Breezeway) featuring coffee and cookies after Sunday services.


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Dan Blessinger
Producer of Contemporary Music
Dan Blessinger is originally from the Pacific Northwest and came to Los Angeles to work in the music entertainment industry. A Grammy Award winning engineer, producer, songwriter and musician, Dan brings his experience to the role as music producer for the contemporary service at 10am.
Dan enjoys watching baseball, playing golf and spending time with his wife Michelle, and their two children.
Email Dan.
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Gary Woodward
Director of Music
Gary Woodward holds degrees in music from USC and Chapman University. He also studied extensively in the master classes of Julius Baker, Jean-Pierre Rampal, Marcel Moyse and Maxence Larrieu. Gary has performed as principal flutist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, and Pacific Symphony Orchestra. He is principal flutist for the Los Angeles Opera and Joffrey Ballet.
Email Gary.
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2902 Montrose Ave. La Crescenta, CA 91214  |  |  Tel: 818-249-6137

 Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am-5pm | ​Services: Sundays at 10am, In-Person & Online

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